Warm Up:
2 rounds:
30 sec Close Grip Bar Hang
1 Arm Overhead Carry
5 Spiderman Complex
15 Rocking Hip Flexor Mob/side
A1) Barbell Push Press 3x5-8 @3RIR - leave 3 reps in the tank
A2) Pull up w/ Overhand Grip 3x5-8 @3RIR - leave 3 reps in the tank
Partner Workout - For time:
40 Overhead Walking Lunges
100 Double Unders
40 Front Rack Walking Lunges
100 Double Unders
40 Farmers Hold Walking Lunges
100 Double Unders
split the reps
2-3 sets each:
8-12 DB Hammer Curls
8-12 Dips
8-12 DB Shoulder Complex